Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Decorations

We put up Christmas decorations yesterday. I am going to tell you all about them and where they are. I hope you like it!

Christmas tree:The Christmas tree is in the living room on the coffee table. We moved the table from the play room then put the tree on it. It looks good. I'm glad we have a Christmas tree. :)

Ornaments: There are all sorts of ornaments, but there are two main types: ball ornaments and personal ornaments we get in our stockings. This year we didn't hang them all up, but we hung up quite a few. The ball ornaments are in all sorts of colors, and the personal ones, well, you can imagine. Some of mine are a pretty glass angel, a girl reading a book, and a young girl in a red dress. They are all pretty or cool! The tree topper is a pretty angel in a white dress with yellow and gold accents. She is holding some flowers and beads.

Stockings: They a hung on the mantle with snowflake and train stocking holders. Mine is tan with a dinosaur and trees on it, Maverick's is black and red checkered with a black bear, Kannon's is multi-colored with trees on it, Faith's is white with snowflakes and a tassel, Kadyn's is green and red with snowflakes, Mom's is green and gold with a bell on it, and Daddy's is red and brownish with diamonds. They are all very pretty!

Other: There are pretty buildings that light up, ornaments that could not be on the tree,a picture of us, a thing that hangs on the wall that says snow, and stuffed animals.

Well, there you have it. It won't be much different next year. I hope you enjoyed hearing about our decorations!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dance Recital

Tuesday was me and Faith's dance recital. Faith was in an earlier show and I was in two other shows. I wasn't nervous at all! I was a little stuffy, though. No snot flew out of my nose like last time, though! Faith did really good on her dances. In her ballet one she did only some of the stuff, but on her tap one she did most of the stuff. For the tap one they wore some really cute antlers! Then it was my turn. In the first show I did my tap dance, and in the second show I did my ballet dance. My tap dance was to 'Blue Christmas', and we had our pajamas on. Two girls had rollers and one girl had a face mask! We acted sad in the dance. It was funny! My ballet dance was to 'White Christmas'. It was fun. At the end of each show we came out and bowed, then when everyone was out we waved and said, "Merry Christmas!" This dance recital was probably the best Christmas one yet! :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Maverick!

The day before yesterday was Maverick's birthday! We had donuts and chocolate milk for breakfast. After that we got ready and went to church. Then we went to Main Event to go bowling! Maverick got a strike on his very first turn! I didn't do so well. I only got 2 spares. Gram made a R2-D2 cake. It was cool! I got Maverick some Star Wars books, Faith got him a chainsaw, Kannon got him a Spiderman car, Mom got him some cloths, Miss Chris and Mister John got him the Maverick Nerf gun and some holiday Hot Wheels cars, Gram and Pappy got him a remote control R2-D2, and Daddy got him a skateboard and a helmet. Then we had cake. I wasn't feeling very good and when I had my second piece of cake, I felt even worse. Then we played another game of bowling were Kannon won and I was in second. Then we went home and played. It was a happy day! :)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Funny Things, Weird Things, Etc. Vol. 6

I have more funny things, weird things, etc. for you! Here we go......

.......Once Maverick was drinking some juice and he laughed and it went down his throat and then he coughed and it came back out of his mouth AND his nose! It made his nose sore. It's funny that it came out of his nose, but it's not funny it made his nose sore.

.......Faith started to walk at 9 months! This was amazing, but unfortunately it made her leg funny. She had to wear a brace on her leg for a while to fix it. Part of it had butterflies on it. :) She was really good with it. She even learned how to take it off!

.......I taught myself how to read when I was 3 years old. It's amazing, isn't it? I wonder myself how I did it! I guess that's why I can read so well.

.......Daddy recently put up the putty in the new room. Now both Mom and Dad are working on sanding it. They wear special masks while they're doing it to help stop from breathing the stuff in. Last night it was so hazy in there, you eyes felt funny just 2 centimeters in!

.......Last night the boys slept in my room. It was fun! We stayed up playing games until 11:00. Then we slept for half an hour and then we woke up again. We stayed up for a while then we fell asleep again until about 5:30. Then we fell asleep at about 7:30 and then me and Faith woke up at 8:45. The boys didn't wake up til later. It was a fun night!

Well, that's all I can think of for now. I hope you enjoyed reading! :)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Christmas Parade

Yesterday we went to the Christmas parade. It was lots of fun! We woke up at 7:00, and then we got dressed. We had to dress really warmly because it was going to be VERY cold. I had on 2 long sleeved shirts, one jacket, my winter coat, tights, long socks, and pants. I was going to wear 2 pairs of pants, but Mom said I didn't need it. I wish I wore those other pants! I also had my hat and gloves. A little bit after we got ready to go Gram and Pappy came. Then after a little bit we got in the car and went to the parade. Mom, Dad, and Maverick got in the middle seat and me, Kannon, and Faith got in the back seat. On the way we saw some pretty big buildings. We saw the American Airlines Center and the big ball tower. We also saw the rocket tower and the ruins of Reunion Arena. When we got there we all got on our hats, gloves, and coats. Me, Maverick, Kannon, and Pappy went ahead. Me and Kannon had a hard time keeping up. When we got there, Pappy laid out some of the blankets he had with him. Then, when the others got there, he laid out the rest of the blankets. We ate our donut holes and drank a little hot chocolate and then Daddy took us down to the place with trees. We chased him around and caught him twice. Then he spun all of us around and then we climbed on a sort of round railing. The first time I jumped of to Daddy. It was scary. The other times I didn't. Then we came back and listened to the rest of a concert that was going on. Then, after a while, the parade started! First came some police cars and some of what looked like golf carts, then dancers from a dance they did further down the road came. Then a marching band came, and then a Santa balloon came.
Next another marching band came, and then a float. Next came some old cars with people in them, and then came STAR WARS! There was Princess Leia and R2-D2, and then came Anikan and Padme in a ship with wheels. Then came Darth Vader with clones and officers and TIE fighter pilots. Then Rudolf came, then Strawberry Shortcake came. Then more stuff came, including bell balloons and other balloons, and then Santa Claus came on a float. Then we gathered up our stuff and walked back to the car. On the way home we saw more REALLY tall buildings and the X building. When we got home most of us were really tired, but happy. It was a great parade! :)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy Birthday Daddy! I hope you like my birthday picture and the brownies we made you! You are the best dad in the world, and I hope you had a very happy day!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Funny Things, Weird Things, Etc. Vol. 5

I have more funny, things, weird things, etc.! Here we go!

......On Saturday Daddy put the siding on the house. Me and Maverick helped him use the table saw and I helped hold the boards up while he nailed them into place. My arms hurt a lot after I was done! Once while he was nailing a nail he hit his thumb very hard with the hammer. It looked really bad, one one side of the fingernail there was blood and the other side had a really bad swelling. Ouch!

......Once when I was about six there was a big thunderstorm in the middle of the night. I was asleep until this HUGE thunder came, and it was so big it set off a car alarm! It also woke me up. I think I was awake for the rest of the thunderstorm. That thunder was the biggest thunder I've ever heard in my life!

......We used to have a cat named Stormy. She really was pretty stormy! She was a stormy grey, hence the name, and she would scratch us up a lot! We had to give her back to the center, but we got Snuggles instead.

That's all for now. more will come soon! :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Fire House Open House Thingy

Last Saturday we went to a fire house open house thingy. It was tons of fun! In the morning I woke up and Pappy was there! And what's more, he brought donuts! They were good. After breakfast we went over to Gram and Pappy's house. After we played for a few minutes, it was time to go! We didn't know were we were going, and I wanted to see when we got there. It was really cold out. I should have brought my camera and my sweater! First we climbed on a ladder truck. The ladder was up all the way, and it was super duper tall! I kept saying, "Don't make me climb up there!" We did climb on the back of the truck, though. It was a lot higher than it looked! I kept pressing myself against the railings that were behind me. After that we climbed in it. I didn't climb in the front, though. But that's alright! One of the firefighters that were there said, "We have to close the doors." We didn't know why. Then we went closer to a big group of people. Then another firefighter said, "They're coming in, you need to stand back." We wondered what he meant, but then we figured out that a helicopter was going to land! When it came in, we yelled, "There it is!" Then it circled around. When it landed, it was like a tornado! We had to hold onto the fire hats we got, or they would have blown off! After that we saw a demonstration of what firefighters do if there was a wreak and someone was trapped inside. It was cool.Then we did something were there was this minuture house, and behind it there was a cart with some liquid on fire. We used a real fire hose to put it out! Even Faith did it! After that we got some lunch. It was hot dogs and soda. They were good. After that we saw the helicopter take off. It was like a tornado again! Then we got our stuff. While we were waiting in line, we saw a search dog. It was a golden retriever. It looked like a really nice dog! We got a lot of really cool stuff. After that, we saw a demonstration of a fire hose being used. The person said that it could spay out 1,000 gallons a minute! Then we went in a house were a firefighter told us stuff. And he picked ME to demonstrate what you do if the smoke alarms go off. Some pretend smoke came in and I went down on the ground. Faith just stayed where she was. :) Then I felt a door, and it was actually hot! There wasn't any fire behind it, though. After that we got a picture with a clown and then we went home. It was really fun! :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Funny Things, Weird Things, Etc. Vol. 4

I have some more funny things, weird things, etc. for you! Here we go!

......It has been raining off and on all week. The sun has only come out once or twice, like last night it came out just a tiny bit. I was awake at 3:00 in the morning last night, and it started thunderstorming. It wasn't really bad, just the weird thing was that first the thunder was close, and then it was far away, then it was medium. Even if it did storm some more, I didn't hear it cause I fell asleep.

......Last night Daddy said that we had to take out a little wall. Then he swag the hammer in his hand and swung it at the wall. After he had gotten a section of the wall off, he said, "Look! Snake eggs!" Later Maverick held it, and he showed Mom. Then Daddy said that they were still wet. Then he said, "We'll just make sure we lock Snuggles in the playroom tonight. She'll play with it and stuff." And I said, " What, before I get to hold it?!"

......When we were coming home from church one day, we saw this huge tree that had fallen over. The funny thing was, it had tiny roots for a tree so big. Weird!

......We went to a baseball game last month. It was a lot of fun! On the way we passed Six Flags. We saw people going on the Superman and a huge and scary rollercoaster! At the baseball game we got peanuts and cotton candy. They were both really good! The Rangers lost though. But after the game there were fireworks! They were really spectacular!

......Faith keeps telling me what to say. It's really quite funny! Like just now she was trying to get me to get her to games, and I said no and she said, "Say Sure!" It is really funny!

That's all I have for now. More will come soon, I promise! :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sibling Profiles

Just for fun, here are the profiles of me and my siblings.

.....My name is Teya, and I am 9. I LOVE to read, and I think I have read about at least 50 books! I also like to go swimming and watch TV. Some of the shows I like to watch are Zack & Cody and Star Wars: The Clone Wars. I love all of my toys, and I go through phases in which I play with one type of them. Right now it's a Littlest Pet Shop phase. I have one cat, Snuggles, and two fish. Snuggles is fat and likes to take naps. I got my fish in like, January, and only some of them died.

.....My 1st younger brother's name is Maverick. He is 6 years old and he likes to play video games, including Lego Star Wars. He also likes to play Lego Batman on my mom's DS. Maverick also likes to jump on our trampoline. He can mow the lawn by himself and likes to help Daddy on his building and outside projects. He loves to help people. That's my Maverick, one of the best brothers.

.....My 2cond younger brother's name is Kannon. He likes to play the baby game with Faith(see below) and he also likes playing the Star Wars game and the dog game. He likes to play on the computer with Faith(see below). He loves to clean the kitchen floor with baby wipes and he also likes other cleaning jobs like dusting. He can be very silly sometimes, especially when I'm taking video or pictures with my camera. That's the silly Kannon.

.....Faith is my little sister. She is 3 years old. She likes to play the baby game with Kannon,(see above) and also likes to play the Star Wars game and the dog game. She likes to watch Dora on TV, and also likes to watch Wow Wow Wubsey. She is always watching movies, and sometimes I think she dosen't even know what they are! She also likes bouncing on the trampoline. Her and Kannon(again, see above) like to play on the computer together. That's the cute little Faith, not a care in the world.

That's all the profiles. I hope you liked them! :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Funny Things, Werid Things, Etc. Vol. 3

I have more funny things, weird things, etc. for you! Here we go....

.......Maverick hit his knee on the fireplace recently. Pappy was watching us, and we couldn't find Faith. Maverick and Pappy went to the playroom, and on the way Maverick hit his knee. He felt a little pain, then he looked down and saw blood running down his leg! Pappy put a band-aid on it, and when Mom came home later she took off the band-aid and she looked and she said he needed stitches! Daddy came and then me,Maverick,(obviously)Mom and Dad got in the car(I think Pappy was watching the rest) and went to this cool place sort of like a mini-hospital, but better. We went into a room and then we waited and then they numbed it and then they put the stitches in. I watched them do it, but Mom didn't.:) Now he has his stitches out, but the cut is still there.

.......Daddy showed me and Maverick how to fill up the windshield wiper fluid. It was really cool, and my favorite part was slamming the hood down.:)

.......Once I fell into the pool onto the step. I was fine, though, because I put out my hands and that helped a lot. My hands just got a little scraped. It was scary!

........Once Maverick slipped into the pool and cut his hand and his knee pretty badly. There was this big cut on his hand and a smaller one on his knee. His hand had to have a big band-aid on it. The cut was there for at least 5 days. His knee healed faster.

........Maverick lost his first tooth in pizza! He was chewing and then he felt something hard in his mouth. He didn't realize it was his tooth and spat it out. Then when he was brushing his teeth, he saw that his tooth was missing! We found it a little bit in red sauce. His second tooth he lost in his pillow. He fell down hard and his tooth brushed against the pillow and came out!

That's all I can think of for now. More will come soon! :)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Elizabeth's Sleepover

On Wednesday my freind Elizabeth slept over at my house. We were both very, very excited! I had gone over to her house on Sunday, and when it was time for me to go home we talked about it. We kept calling each other to make plans for what we were going to do. We are still calling each other! I haven't been able to do this with my other freinds, so it's really great for me. The sleepover was lots of fun! I showed Elizabeth my stuff, and she brought one of her diarys with her. She also brought a Nancy Drew book for me to read. We also jumped on the trampoline and made braclets with the kit Elizabeth got me for my birthday. Then we had dinner, and then we started camp-out. We had fruit snacks, nutty bars, and popcorn for snacks. Faith couldn't have a nutty bar because we think she's allergic to chocolate and penut butter, so she had candy instead. We watched Snow Buddies and Ice Age 2. After the movies, me, Elizabeth and Maverick kept going out and checing the time. We were trying to think of something to do, but after a while I fell asleep. I woke up at around 5:00, and at 6:00 a storm started. Elizabeth and Maverick wouln't go out with me to check the time, and once my teeth were cattering like crazy! The storm was over soon, though. Then we fell asleep again. We woke up around 7:55. We went out and ate breakfast, then we started playing again till Elizabeth's mom came. I wanted to go over to her house4 again, so her mom said that they would pick me up a about 2:00. Later Elizabeth called me on her mom's cellphone. She said that they would pick up at 2:30 instead. At her house we rode on her scooters in her street. It was awsome! Then we went inside. We played a spy game and Elizabeth showed me MyScean. It was really cool. Then we played more, and then I went home. We have another playdate on Thursday. I know it will be fun! :)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Favorite Things

These are just a few of my favorite things. Let's start......

Food: Probably sunflower seeds(unshelled). Yum!

Animal: Whale. Definitely whale. Second is hawk; then dog.

Snack: Hmmm. Either sunflower seeds or Premium saltines(original).

Dessert Food: Uhhhhh......

TV Show: Probably Blue Planet on Animal Planet.

Video Game: Either diving game or cubies.

Hobby: Either reading or scrap booking.

Sport: Hockey.

Activity: Swimming or reading.

Song: Either "Stop And Stare" or "Sea Of Faces".

Book: One of the Harry Potter ones.

Well that's all I can think of. What are your favorite things?:)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Maverick's Tooth

Guess what? Maverick lost his first tooth last Thursday. He was really excited! Here is how it fell out: Well, we don't really know how it fell out, but what we do know is that it came out in pizza! Maverick was eating his pizza and he felt something hard in his mouth. He didn't realize it was his tooth when he took it out of his mouth. Later, when he was in the bathroom to brush his teeth, he looked in the mirror and realized his tooth was gone! Then he went and told Mom. A few nights later the tooth fairy came. She left Mav 3 dollars and thirty-something cents. I'm very happy for him! :)

Friday, June 26, 2009

VBS 2009

For VBS this year at church, the theam was "Starlight Rescue". The decorations were really awsome, the best I've ever seen. There were planets, stars, and spacemen hanging down from the ceiling in the lobby. The walls next to the stairs had black paper on them, and glued to the paper were things like stars and planets. There were also black lights on the platforms between the sets of stairs. It was the same thing on the walls in the lobby, and on the platforms on the stairs in the lobby there were rockets. Not real rockets, of course. In the auditorium, on the stage there were pretend arcade games. On the edges of the stage, there were rope lights. It was really, really cool. On water day for me, we played a lot of fun games, all which had to do with water. We did a water relay, a sponge toss game, and water hot potato. Here is what happend on my first day: Mom dropped me off upstairs. Then my class(4th grade C) went into a big room. There we did a science experiment with a crazy professor. The experiment was to make a penny shiny......with hot sauce! We also used a paper clip, a thumb tack, and 'polising goop', as the professer called it. Then we went to the auditorium for assembly. When we got there we went to a mat to sit on. Then the rest of the classes got there and assembly started. There were 2 teams: the red team and the blue team. The left side was the blue team and the right side was the red team. That day my class was on the red team. You competed for balls, which were astroids, which were points. Our team won some of the competions. Then it was worship. They would chose people to come on stage to sing and do the motions. I got to go up 2 times. The songs were great! I bought a CD of them. There were: "Sing Praises", "Rocket To My Heart", "Light Shine Strong", "Shining Stars", and "Let Your Light Shine". I like them all, but my favorite is "Rocket To My Heart". Then we had a skit. The caritures were: Samantha, a tom-boy, Tiffany, a very girly-girl, CBC2, a robot, and Samantha and Tiffany's mom. Samantha(we'll call her Sam) and Tiffany got sucked into a video game, and there they met CBC2. Then it ended. Then we did another song, and then we had snack and watched 2 cartoons. The first one was about a lost sheep, and the second one was about a play. Then assembly was over. Then we went to our class. It was fun. Then we went to the place were our moms or dads would pick us up. The next day was water day for me and Kannon(I forgot to tell you, he got to go this year.). It was a lot of fun. The next day was water day for Maverick. It sounded like he had a lot of fun too. Thursday was the Family Fun Night. They had a real fire truck there! I got to go play with Elizabeth, my freind. We played without adults! We both got to use a real fire house. In the skit, both Tiffany and Sam belived in God in the end. VBS 2009 was awsome! :)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Park

Today we went to the park. It was my idea. First we went to Mcdonald's to get some lunch. I paid for it. Then we went to the park. On the way, we saw some hawks that were really close to the ground! I love hawks almost as much as I love whales! Then, when we got to the park, I helped Mom carry a lot of stuff. It took a long time for Daddy to get there. We had lots of fun, and Mommy brought the video camera and took some video. :)


Guess what? C'mon, you have to guess! Oh, fine, I'll tell you. Mommy is having another baby!!!!! Horay! What's more, Maverick's room isan't going to be Maverick's room anymore. It will be the nursery! Were will the boys sleep, you ask? Well, I'll tell you, sheesh, stop bugging me. :) Daddy is going to make a wall in the playroom, and behind that wall will be their room. I hope the new baby will be a girl. The funny part is, we were watching the home videos Mom makes, and we were watching when Faith was born, and Maverick asked Mom if she was going to have another baby. Mom said no, but she was wrong! Please pray for her, because she has not been feeling well lately. I think she is under a lot of stress. :)

Friday, April 24, 2009

My Fish

I have 3 fish right now. I used to have 6. My tiger barb died the day before yesterday. My cherry barb and my sucker fish died yesterday. The other fish have already started eating them.

Let's have a little history about my fish. I bought them with my birthday money. I was very excited when we went to get my first fish. We even bought a ship to put in the tank. We brought them home and started on what was supposed to be a story of happy, long-living fish. That didn't work out at all. Soon one fish died, and another, and another until all of them had died. So we got more. Most of them, died, too. But not all! We bought more fish. Then it comes to now. I used to have a tiger barb, a cherry barb, a catfish, a rainbow shark, and a rosy barb. Now I only have the shark, the catfish, and the rosy.

You would think that after a long time of fish dieing, I would be used to it. Nope. I feel like I'm the reason my fish are dieing. Mom keeps telling me that there was something in the water. I don't deny that, but I still don't feel good at all. Does anybody know any good fish keeping tips?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wine & Food Festival

On Sunday we went to a wine and food festival in Austin. It was a really long drive. Saturday night we had camp-out in the play room. We had to wake up really early so we could have enough time to get there before it started. We woke up at 6:30 in the morning. Dad had music playing on Itunes. We got ready to go and then Gram and Pappy picked us up. First we went to Hillsboro to drop Kannon and Faith of at Miss Melinei's granny's house. It is right by a farm! We dropped them off there because they coudn't come with us. Then we went the rest of the way there. And even that was interesting. We saw some weird stuff. I had brought my camera there, too, so I took lots of pictures. We stopped for breakfast at Ihop. I got the silver five with bacon and scrambled eggs. Maverick got the same with hash browns insted of eggs. Then we got back in the car. Gram gave us her Ipod Touch. We watched a video about blue whales and then we played Touch Pysicys. Then we played Blocked. Then we gave it to Gram. After awhile Maverick threw up. Poor guy. :( I didn't throw up though! :) Then we got there. I took some pictures. There were a lot of tents. They had food places and wine tasting places in them. One was a cooking deminstration. One was were you went to hear the music. They had live bands there! First we went potty in the port-a-pottys. Then we went to a tent. There was: wine, wine, and more wine! There was a little food, and it was pretty good. Gram said that the festival should have been called the Wine & Food And Wine Festival! After we went through the tents we went to a place were there were some small food booths. There was a place that had chicken stuff and a place that had tacos and another place. I tryed one of the tacos, but I didn't like it. To get to the food booths you had to go over a muddy field. There were boards that you could walk over so you wouldn't get muddy. Then we went to a place that we could run around in. Then we went potty again. Then we ran around a little more, and then we went to the cooking deminstration tent. On the chairs were some bags. They were checkerd with a green stripe near the top. The words in the green stripe said, "I used to be a plastic bottle." On some of them the checkers were two shades of green. On the others they were colored. We kept one of each. It took too long for the deminstratoin to start so we went out of the tent. We went with Pappy to the field again. He counted how long it took for us to run to the fence and back. I got 14 and 13 seconds. Maverick got 17,16,and 15 seconds. Then we went to the music. I took some pictures and even some video. Then we found the others. Then we went home. When we stopped at the farm I took some pictures. There was a dog there and a cat. We petted them both. There were also some cows behind the fence. I took pictures of them. I took pictures of the barn, the tractor, and a pothole. Then we went home. It felt great to be home! A good time was had by all!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter!

.....a bit late. I hope all of you had a wonderful Easter! On Friday we colored eggs. I made a Jesus egg and a sports egg and a puffy sticker egg and a flower egg. I even made one that looked like it was cracked! It really wasn't. On Saturday we went to the church picnic on the grounds. My friends Elizabeth, Margaret, and Mia were there. Mom and Dad couldn't be there because they both had to work. There was a bounce house and 3 Easter egg hunts. First was the one Maverick was in, then the one Faith and Kannon was in, and last was the one I was in. We all got LOTS of candy! On Easter we went to the church service. I stayed for the last one because I was going to help Gram set up the hospitality suite. Well, more clean up. There was still some donuts and stuff left over. I ate some. :) Then we went to our house to pick up Daddy. Then we went to Gram and Pappy's house. When we got there we ate lunch. For lunch we had ham and cheese sandwiches. Then we went to Pappy's office while Mom and Gram and Dad hid the eggs. Then after they hid the eggs we did our baskets. We got lots of cool stuff! Then we did the egg hunt. I found a lot of eggs! Then we went home and had dinner. We had pizza for dinner. I am a weird kid: I don't like pizza! I am so thankful that Jesus died on the cross for us and rose 3 days later!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Maverick's Post!!!!

Maverick wanted to put a post on my blog, but he can't type so I had to type for him. It is about when we played Super Heroes. I will say though, he may get distracted sometimes!

"Super Heroes is when we pretend we are super heroes. Today in this game of Super Heroes we had to catch a fox because the fox was eating people. That fox was fast! It took almost an hour to catch it! The fox ran all over the place. First we had to go into a tunnel to catch it. The fox kept going into tunnels that were lower and lower! Then we went out of the tunnels into nowhere. And then we walked along and went into an elevator. The elevator took us to the 99th floor. Then we spotted the fox! We chased it everywhere! Then it disappeared and we had to use our radar to find it. We chased it to the playroom and found his assistant. We killed him. Then we went on another elevator. It was small and dark and only 2 people could fit in it, so Kannon had to wait. The elevator took us to a place with a toilet. There was a hippo guarding the next elevator. It was a good guy hippo so it let us past. The elevator took us to the 101th floor. Then we went into an elevator that took us to the 800th floor. Then we went into an elevator that was only for super heroes. It took us to the 900th floor. Then we chased the fox again and then we went to an elevator that you had to bounce on to make it work. Then we saw the fox again! We chased it to another elevator. Then when we went to the bottom of the elevator, we saw the fox! We killed it. We had lots of fun!"

Well, there you have it. Thank you, Maverick!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Random Thoughts

Here are some random thoughts..... fish tank lights are both out. This proves to be a source of great annoyance to me. writing in my notebook but can't think of anything to write about hungry right now. I am hungry most of the time.

.....really like playing outside, but my great fear of bees and wasps makes it nearly impossible in the summer or spring when it's sunny. Weird fear, I know!

.....really like blogging

.....maverick is annoying me by trying to get my attention on Moter Storm

....really want to read the next Harry Potter book. Daddy is being very slow reading it. :)

....don't like dance class

.....don't want to do recital. It's okay when I'm not on a stage, but if I am, (like on recital), I freak out!

.....don't like school

.....can't wait till Easter

.....can't wait till Friday

.....can't wait till Saturday

.....really like whales. Absolutely LOVE them!

.....been kinda tired lately. Don't want to be.

....Maverick and the rest of them have been very funny lately

Well, that's it . What are your random thoughts? : ) :) :)

Monday, March 30, 2009


Last Friday I had a sleepover at my friend Lucy's grandmother's house. Lucy's grandmother's name is Miss Joye. Someof you may know her though blogging or have met her. So now for the sleepover story. Before Lucy and her grandmother came to pick me up I was a bit nervous. But that went away fast! I brought my camera to the sleepover and I took a lot of pictures! After Lucy and her grandmother picked me up we had to decide where to go to get dinner. First Lucy suggested pizza, but I told her that I don't like pizza. Finally we dicided on Mama's Dauter's Diner. I had never been there before. It was very cold outside and I was freezing! It was nice and warm inside,though. We ate in a booth. The menus had these things on them: the daily special, chicken fingers, and I can't remember what else. I got the daily special, which turned out to be a lot of things. You could get a cheeseburger, and I can't remember what else. I got the cheeseburger, and so did Lucy. I had to go to the bathroom. They had pretty good bathrooms, and the biggest roll of tolit paper I have ever seen! I could fit my whole fist into the thing that holds the tolit paper! When we left me and Lucy got one York patty each. They were good! After we left we went to a Wal-Mart for candy. After we left we went to Miss Joye's house. There was a tennis ball hanging on a string which was on a hook which was on the celing of the garage. Miss Joye said that was there so she would know where to park. She also said that she had a dog named Sanders. When we got inside we saw Sanders. He is an old dog,12 years old. He is gray, and he has a tumor in his mouth from when another dog butted him and knocked out his tooth. When we got inside we turned on Bolt. We painted some Plaster of Paris statues we got from Wal-Mart. After we were done painting we moved into the living room to watch the rest of Bolt. Miss Joye put a table out so that we could put our drinks on it. Bolt turned out to be a really good movie. After Bolt was over we wactched Beverly Hills Chiwawia. It was a good movie, too. We were going to watch Sleeping Beauty afterwards, but we decided to watch videos on the TV in the Indiain room. We watched Inspector Gadget and Rocket Man. We stayed up til 3:00 IN THE MORNING! The next day we slept in til 9:30. We had Ihop for breakfast, and then we went to the Highland Village Wal-Mart for shirts to paint in. I saw Mommy a Wal-Mart because she works there. When we got back we painted some boxes to be a clubhouse. Before we actully painted the boxes, Miss Joye had to cut holes in them so that we could go in them.We played with the tennis ball and took pictures on Pastor Mike's motercycle. After we painted for a while we played with bubbels. We used the long, kinda skinny ones that blow big bubbles. I spilled my bubbles on aciddent and had to get new ones. After we played with bubbles we finesed painting. Then we went inside and played Wii. First we played bowling and I won, then we played diving game. Then Lucy and Miss Joye went to the store and I stayed there and played diving game. When they got home Miss Joye took me to Gram and Pappy's house because there was overlap. I think it was an AWSOME sleepover party! Thank you, Lucy and Miss Joye!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

King Tut Exhibit

The day before yesterday I went to the King Tut exhibit with Margaret and her parents. It was awesome! We got audio tour thingies from a man when we were in line to get into the exhibit. It was really long! Thank goodness it moved faster than you might think! The sad thing was that they didn't allow pictures in the exhibit. But I still took lots of pictures! Just not in the exhibit. Speaking of the exhibit, there was in it a statue of a pharaoh and his mother. They their arms behind each others backs. It was really pretty. On the sides of the front and on the back were hieroglyphics. The ones on the back were prayers, I think. The other ones, I don't know what the other ones were for. The guy that did the audio tour had some kind of accent (I think it was Egyptian) and I couldn't understand some of what he was saying. In the exhibit, there was LOTS of stuff. Miss Margo (Margaret's mom) said we spent 2 AND A HALF HOURS in there! It was well worth it! In addition to the pharaoh and mom statue, there was a statue of someones head. It looked really weird because it had an elongated skull. There was also a really pretty scarab beetle. There was some screens that showed you things that they could not show you with displays. One showed you that the glass that the scarab beetle was made out of was only found in the Sharah Desart. The screen said that it was not made by man. Unfourtunetoy they didn't belive in God and the screen was saying things about 30 million years ago. Honestly, there wasen't even a 30 thousand years ago! But the scarab beetle was still really pretty. There was also a real coffin! All of the stuff was real! The coffin was really pretty. It had a tiny dot on it that when I first saw it, I thought that someone had put ink on it. But then I relized that it was a jewel. There was also a mummy mask. It was pretty, too. There were also 2 chairs. But they wern't regular chairs. They were beutiful chairs. One of them had a wickerwork seat and on the part were you rest your back was a picture of the princess who owned the chair. She was sitting both ways, with a sevent giving her a big necklace called a coller. After we left the exhibit we went to dinner. We walked to a place called the Spaggeti Warehouse. I took lots of pictures on the way. I even took a picture of a real ambulence! For dinner I had cheese sticks. So did Margaret. At the museum's souvenier shop I bought a book and a pencil. I had lots of fun with Margart!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Gram's St. Patrick's Day Bash

Yesterday was St. Patrick's day. We went over to G&P's house for a party. It was awsome! When we got there we saw hats, headbands, a necklace and a crown on the table. There was also some daffodils, my favorite kind of flower!:) The hats and stuff were to put on so we looked even more green. I alredy had on a green shirt, green pants, green hairties (I had braids), green shoes, green ring, green braclet, and a green necklace. Maverick had on his dinosaur shirt(the dinos were green), and green pants. Kannon had on his green truck shirt and some overalls that had green on them. Faith was the only one who diden't have green on. After we put on the hats we ate dinner. We had Baked Lays and some really yummy sandwhiches. I don't know what was in them. After dinner we had our after-dinner mints, and then we played our first game of the night. It was called Coin Toss. You had to toss gold coins into a black bucket. After you ran out of coins you counted how many you got in the bucket, and that was the number of prizes you got. Faith went first and I went last. After we played Coin Toss we played Shamrock Relay. What you had to do was this: each team had two big shamrocks, and when you played you had to put down a shamrock, and then you put down the other shamrock and stepped on it, then you reached behind and you took the first shamrock and put it in front, and so on and so on till you reached the table, then the other teamate took over and went back. My team won every time, and Kannon, Faith, and Maverick were all on my team in that order. They all helped me secure the Shamrock Relay victory. After we did that we played Hot Potato with a real potato! We did it to Irish music. At first we did it normal, but then we did it like this: when you got the potato you took it in both hands and raised it up in the air and then put it back down and gave it to the next person. Then we played Dance Around. We used the same shamrocks we used in Shamrock Relay. Gram wrote the numbers 1,2,3,and4 on the shhamrocks. She put them around the island. Pappy played Irish music, and you had to dance or walk or jump or whatever, and when the music stopped, you had to go to the nearest shamrock. Then Gram would take a number from the pill bottle and whichever number she called out, the person who was stanting on the shamrock with the matching number on it got an extra prize! It was alot of fun. Then we made our dessert. Gram put pudding mix, half and half, and green food coloring in some containers, then Pappy played more Irish music. We shook up the pudding to the music. I said "Shake it up high! Shake it down low! Wherever you go! Then I said,"Shake it side to side! Shake it up and down! Shake it diagnally!" When the pudding was all shaken up, we sat down at the table and ate it. Gram put St. Patrick's Day sprinkles on the pudding. It was so good, I ate the pudding off of the lid! Next, we had a scavenger hunt. While we ate our pudding, Pappy hid the gold coins that we had used for Coin Toss. He also hid some rectangle ones. Gram told us that if you found those, you got to get an extra prize! I said,"If we find 5 special coins, how many prizes do we get? Gram said, "5!" I said, "So if we find 20 special coins, we will get 20 extra prizes?" Gram said, "That's right." So we started the scavenger hunt. Gram had told us before we started that any coin you found under your wast you leave for the little ones. I found lots, but I left some for Maverick to find. I found 6 special coins, Maverick found 5, and Kannon and Faith both found 2. After we were done we got our extra prizes. Then we played Coin Toss again. I got 9 in the bucket, and Maverick got 13! After we played Coin Toss we played Hot Potato again. Then we played Dance Around again, and then we played Memory Match, St. Patrick's Day style! The cards had different colored shamrocks on them, and there was a special rainbow pair, and if you matched those, you got an extra prize. I won both times, and the first time Kannon got the rainbow, and the second time Maverick got the rainbow. After we were done playing Memory Match, it was time to go home I told Gram that her St. Patrick's Day party was the best one we had ever been to, out of the none we've been to! It was an awsome party. To Gram: I think you did even better than perfect at the party! I loved it! I hope everybody had a great St. Patrick's Day!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hockey Game For Maverick!

Last night Maverick went to a Stars game with Gram and Pappy. He had a lot of fun! I am going to write it like Maverick is telling me. Here we go........

"Gram picked me up at about 4:05. She took some pictures of me. I had my Stars jersey on. And then we went to Gram's house. When we got there I took off my jacket and my Stars jersey. I asked Gram if I could play Littlest Pet Shop on the Wii. She said yes, so I did. After a while it was time to go to the Stars game. On the way we saw a whole bunch of airplanes! I think we saw 18! On the way we stopped for dinner at a Mexican restaraunt. I can't remember it's name. After dinner Gram took pictures of me on a zamboni. Then she took pictures of me on a 4-wheeler. Then I went over someplace else and I drove a remote-control car. It looked like a pepper with wheels. After I was done driving the car the lady who helped me gave me a Chick-Fal-A card for ice cream. And then I went to this place were there was a pretend golie and then I had a long stick and there was a ball and then I relized I was supposed to hit the ball with the stick and try to get it into the holes in the pretend golie. I scored 1 goal. Then I went to this Stars pick-up truck and Gram took pictures of me by it. And then we went inside the stadium. Gram put her camera in a little bin and the guy that was there slid it down the table-thing. When we got to the end of the table-thing Gram picked up her camera. Then we went into the arena. When we got into the arena there were blimps flying around! Then somebody started singing. Then they lowered a big star from the celing! Then there was smoke and the Stars came out! Then they skated around for a bit. Then they started playing. In the 1st or 2cond period I got blue cotten candy. In the 2cond period I shared popcorn with a guy. On the way home we saw a lot of airplanes again. I had lots of fun!"

Well, there you have it. The final score was 4-2 Stars, anybody who diden't see the game. I hope you had fun reading about it!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Funny Things, Weird Things, Etc. Vol. 2

I have thought up some more funny things, weird things, etc. now! I will tell you in a minute....

.....Once Mom and Dad went on a date and our friend Miss April watched us. She took us to the park. While we were there, I had been swinging and I got off of the swing. I wasn't thinking and I went out right in front of Maverick, who was still swinging. His foot hit my eye. At first I thought that my eye had come out! But I only had a black eye. It really hurt!

.....Once Faith yelled at Mom " Stupid!" Mom said, " If you call me stupid again Daddy will spank Mommy's butt!" It was really funny!

.....Once Mom and Dad went on a date and Mom's best friend, Miss Chris,was watching us. She had gone to tuck in the boys and I was pulling a blanket out of the couch. Apparently there was a needle in the blanket and it went right into my finger! It didn't hurt one bit, though. My finger felt funny and I looked at my hand and there was a needle in it! I ran to the boys' bedroom, and right before I went in the door, I thought, "Common' Teya, do something that will help!" So I pulled out the needle. It didn't hurt at all when I pulled it out. I was more scared than hurt!

.....Once me and Mav decided to live outside. I packed all the clothes I could into a little tiny bag. A few days passed, and we decided we wouldn't live outside, after all!

Well, that's it. There will probably be a Vol. 3 soon! With all the strange things that happen in our family, you could maybe write up to Vol. 8! Bye now!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Funny Things, Weird Things,Etc.

I am going to tell you about some funny things, weird things, etc. that have happand
in our family. Let's start......

..... Once we were playing in the playroom and I went out to do something. Suddenly I heard screaming cries. Apparently the cushion was off of the chair in the in the playroom, and there are spikes hat stick out from the chair and Kannon fell into them. We went to the doctor and he said that Kannon had a broken blood vessel. Wow! It looked really bad.

.....Once Maverick was standing in the laundry basket and he was supposed to do something and Mom pulled it out from under his feet (I don't know why) and he hit his head on the corner of the fireplace. He had to get stitches after that. The doctor wanted to put 2 in, but Mav was to wiggly.

....Once me and Mav were bouncing on the trampoline and he told me to swing my arm out at him while he was in the middle. I must have told him no 100 times! I finally did it to show him what would happen. He thought he had a loose tooth! He never asked me to again, so I am sure some sort of lesson was learnd!

I can't think of any more right now, but when I do, I'll be sure to write them! Bye!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Video Games

We have a lot of video games at our house. We even have one at Gram and Pappy's house! The one at Gram and Pappy's house is a Wii we got for Christmas. The games we have are Mario Kart, Endless Ocean Diving, Littelst Pet Shop, and a game were you play board games and things like that, and a action games game. My faverite one is the diving game. I could play it for 3 years without stopping! Maverick's faverite is Mario Kart. He is really good at it. He has won a lot of trophies in it! At our house we have a Lepster, a Vsmile Pocket, a PS3, a PS2, a DS, and a Gameboy. Maverick's faverite game is Moter Storm for the PS3. He plays it all the time. Right now he is telling me that he could play it for a whole month without stopping! With potty breaks, he tells me. And drink breaks and lunch breaks and dinner breaks and sleep breaks,etc. Of corse! Moter Storm is a game were you race off-road and you get all muddy and crash. I like to do Pictochat on the DS. It's my mom's. Well, we have to do school now, so bye!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!

Happy new year, everybody! Did you have fun counting down til new year and staying up til midnight? I hope so. I did, cause I was over at my grandparent's house, and we keep a Wii there. We have a diving game there and it's mine and I don't like it, I LOVE it!!!!!!!!! I played until midnight. It was so totally awsame! Best wishes to all and a happy new year!


For Christmas this year I got feet pajamas. That is good because I had really been wanting some. I also got a book that tells you things that you can collect and how to collect them and how to take care of them. In my stocking I got a really, really preaty Willow Tree orament. I aslo got a pakage of glow sticks. Everybody kid-wise got that in their stockings. I got a preaty Willow Tree statue for Christmas, too. Maverick got me a Littlest Pet Shop thing that you put together and it has holes in it that you put your pets in it so you don't lose them. Mom put it together for me. Kannon and Maverick got color shoters for Christmas. Maverick's is Incredible Hulk and Kannon's is Spiderman.You put a color tablet in the shooter and then you pull the end of it to get water inside while puting the end with the hole in it in the water. Then when you push the other end back toward the shooter, water of the color of the tablet that you put in shoots out the end with the hole in it. Faith got a giant Micky Mouse from Mom, and she just loves it. I also got more Nancy Drew books which is good too.I had been needing the next ones. I hope you all got what you wanted and had a wonderful time with your familiy!!!