Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Funny Things, Weird Things,Etc.

I am going to tell you about some funny things, weird things, etc. that have happand
in our family. Let's start......

..... Once we were playing in the playroom and I went out to do something. Suddenly I heard screaming cries. Apparently the cushion was off of the chair in the in the playroom, and there are spikes hat stick out from the chair and Kannon fell into them. We went to the doctor and he said that Kannon had a broken blood vessel. Wow! It looked really bad.

.....Once Maverick was standing in the laundry basket and he was supposed to do something and Mom pulled it out from under his feet (I don't know why) and he hit his head on the corner of the fireplace. He had to get stitches after that. The doctor wanted to put 2 in, but Mav was to wiggly.

....Once me and Mav were bouncing on the trampoline and he told me to swing my arm out at him while he was in the middle. I must have told him no 100 times! I finally did it to show him what would happen. He thought he had a loose tooth! He never asked me to again, so I am sure some sort of lesson was learnd!

I can't think of any more right now, but when I do, I'll be sure to write them! Bye!


GramCrackers said...

I can't wait to hear even more funny and weird things. I will have to try to think of a funny and weird story about something that happened when your daddy was little. I will either tell you or write it on my blog.

Teya said...

I think you should write it on your blog.

Teya said...

I FINALLY found out why Mav wanted me to swing at him. Because I had lost so many teeth, he wanted to lose one!