Friday, June 26, 2009

VBS 2009

For VBS this year at church, the theam was "Starlight Rescue". The decorations were really awsome, the best I've ever seen. There were planets, stars, and spacemen hanging down from the ceiling in the lobby. The walls next to the stairs had black paper on them, and glued to the paper were things like stars and planets. There were also black lights on the platforms between the sets of stairs. It was the same thing on the walls in the lobby, and on the platforms on the stairs in the lobby there were rockets. Not real rockets, of course. In the auditorium, on the stage there were pretend arcade games. On the edges of the stage, there were rope lights. It was really, really cool. On water day for me, we played a lot of fun games, all which had to do with water. We did a water relay, a sponge toss game, and water hot potato. Here is what happend on my first day: Mom dropped me off upstairs. Then my class(4th grade C) went into a big room. There we did a science experiment with a crazy professor. The experiment was to make a penny shiny......with hot sauce! We also used a paper clip, a thumb tack, and 'polising goop', as the professer called it. Then we went to the auditorium for assembly. When we got there we went to a mat to sit on. Then the rest of the classes got there and assembly started. There were 2 teams: the red team and the blue team. The left side was the blue team and the right side was the red team. That day my class was on the red team. You competed for balls, which were astroids, which were points. Our team won some of the competions. Then it was worship. They would chose people to come on stage to sing and do the motions. I got to go up 2 times. The songs were great! I bought a CD of them. There were: "Sing Praises", "Rocket To My Heart", "Light Shine Strong", "Shining Stars", and "Let Your Light Shine". I like them all, but my favorite is "Rocket To My Heart". Then we had a skit. The caritures were: Samantha, a tom-boy, Tiffany, a very girly-girl, CBC2, a robot, and Samantha and Tiffany's mom. Samantha(we'll call her Sam) and Tiffany got sucked into a video game, and there they met CBC2. Then it ended. Then we did another song, and then we had snack and watched 2 cartoons. The first one was about a lost sheep, and the second one was about a play. Then assembly was over. Then we went to our class. It was fun. Then we went to the place were our moms or dads would pick us up. The next day was water day for me and Kannon(I forgot to tell you, he got to go this year.). It was a lot of fun. The next day was water day for Maverick. It sounded like he had a lot of fun too. Thursday was the Family Fun Night. They had a real fire truck there! I got to go play with Elizabeth, my freind. We played without adults! We both got to use a real fire house. In the skit, both Tiffany and Sam belived in God in the end. VBS 2009 was awsome! :)


GramCrackers said...

I'm glad you had such a good time learning about God!