Monday, March 30, 2009


Last Friday I had a sleepover at my friend Lucy's grandmother's house. Lucy's grandmother's name is Miss Joye. Someof you may know her though blogging or have met her. So now for the sleepover story. Before Lucy and her grandmother came to pick me up I was a bit nervous. But that went away fast! I brought my camera to the sleepover and I took a lot of pictures! After Lucy and her grandmother picked me up we had to decide where to go to get dinner. First Lucy suggested pizza, but I told her that I don't like pizza. Finally we dicided on Mama's Dauter's Diner. I had never been there before. It was very cold outside and I was freezing! It was nice and warm inside,though. We ate in a booth. The menus had these things on them: the daily special, chicken fingers, and I can't remember what else. I got the daily special, which turned out to be a lot of things. You could get a cheeseburger, and I can't remember what else. I got the cheeseburger, and so did Lucy. I had to go to the bathroom. They had pretty good bathrooms, and the biggest roll of tolit paper I have ever seen! I could fit my whole fist into the thing that holds the tolit paper! When we left me and Lucy got one York patty each. They were good! After we left we went to a Wal-Mart for candy. After we left we went to Miss Joye's house. There was a tennis ball hanging on a string which was on a hook which was on the celing of the garage. Miss Joye said that was there so she would know where to park. She also said that she had a dog named Sanders. When we got inside we saw Sanders. He is an old dog,12 years old. He is gray, and he has a tumor in his mouth from when another dog butted him and knocked out his tooth. When we got inside we turned on Bolt. We painted some Plaster of Paris statues we got from Wal-Mart. After we were done painting we moved into the living room to watch the rest of Bolt. Miss Joye put a table out so that we could put our drinks on it. Bolt turned out to be a really good movie. After Bolt was over we wactched Beverly Hills Chiwawia. It was a good movie, too. We were going to watch Sleeping Beauty afterwards, but we decided to watch videos on the TV in the Indiain room. We watched Inspector Gadget and Rocket Man. We stayed up til 3:00 IN THE MORNING! The next day we slept in til 9:30. We had Ihop for breakfast, and then we went to the Highland Village Wal-Mart for shirts to paint in. I saw Mommy a Wal-Mart because she works there. When we got back we painted some boxes to be a clubhouse. Before we actully painted the boxes, Miss Joye had to cut holes in them so that we could go in them.We played with the tennis ball and took pictures on Pastor Mike's motercycle. After we painted for a while we played with bubbels. We used the long, kinda skinny ones that blow big bubbles. I spilled my bubbles on aciddent and had to get new ones. After we played with bubbles we finesed painting. Then we went inside and played Wii. First we played bowling and I won, then we played diving game. Then Lucy and Miss Joye went to the store and I stayed there and played diving game. When they got home Miss Joye took me to Gram and Pappy's house because there was overlap. I think it was an AWSOME sleepover party! Thank you, Lucy and Miss Joye!


GramCrackers said...

It sounds like you had a marvelous time! I'm glad you have nice friends like Lucy!

Joye said...

Hi Teya! I think I probably had as much fun as you and Lucy did. I can't believe how many movies you wanted to watch! Lucy said you are her best friend. Thank you for coming!

Teya said...

Thank you for commenting, Miss Joye! I really appreciate it!