Monday, October 19, 2009

Funny Things, Weird Things, Etc. Vol. 5

I have more funny, things, weird things, etc.! Here we go!

......On Saturday Daddy put the siding on the house. Me and Maverick helped him use the table saw and I helped hold the boards up while he nailed them into place. My arms hurt a lot after I was done! Once while he was nailing a nail he hit his thumb very hard with the hammer. It looked really bad, one one side of the fingernail there was blood and the other side had a really bad swelling. Ouch!

......Once when I was about six there was a big thunderstorm in the middle of the night. I was asleep until this HUGE thunder came, and it was so big it set off a car alarm! It also woke me up. I think I was awake for the rest of the thunderstorm. That thunder was the biggest thunder I've ever heard in my life!

......We used to have a cat named Stormy. She really was pretty stormy! She was a stormy grey, hence the name, and she would scratch us up a lot! We had to give her back to the center, but we got Snuggles instead.

That's all for now. more will come soon! :)


GramCrackers said...

I LOVE when you add a "funny things, weird things" post to your blog. It's fun to read what's on your mind and what you are remembering. I was glad to see you this evening. I really missed you and your siblings.

Teya said...

I missed you too, Gram!