Friday, October 9, 2009

Funny Things, Weird Things, Etc. Vol. 4

I have some more funny things, weird things, etc. for you! Here we go!

......It has been raining off and on all week. The sun has only come out once or twice, like last night it came out just a tiny bit. I was awake at 3:00 in the morning last night, and it started thunderstorming. It wasn't really bad, just the weird thing was that first the thunder was close, and then it was far away, then it was medium. Even if it did storm some more, I didn't hear it cause I fell asleep.

......Last night Daddy said that we had to take out a little wall. Then he swag the hammer in his hand and swung it at the wall. After he had gotten a section of the wall off, he said, "Look! Snake eggs!" Later Maverick held it, and he showed Mom. Then Daddy said that they were still wet. Then he said, "We'll just make sure we lock Snuggles in the playroom tonight. She'll play with it and stuff." And I said, " What, before I get to hold it?!"

......When we were coming home from church one day, we saw this huge tree that had fallen over. The funny thing was, it had tiny roots for a tree so big. Weird!

......We went to a baseball game last month. It was a lot of fun! On the way we passed Six Flags. We saw people going on the Superman and a huge and scary rollercoaster! At the baseball game we got peanuts and cotton candy. They were both really good! The Rangers lost though. But after the game there were fireworks! They were really spectacular!

......Faith keeps telling me what to say. It's really quite funny! Like just now she was trying to get me to get her to games, and I said no and she said, "Say Sure!" It is really funny!

That's all I have for now. More will come soon, I promise! :)


GramCrackers said...

This was fun to read! I also like that the font was was much easier to read than the black on the last post. The part about Faith really made me laugh!

Teya said...

Thanks, Gram!