Friday, December 11, 2009

Funny Things, Weird Things, Etc. Vol. 6

I have more funny things, weird things, etc. for you! Here we go......

.......Once Maverick was drinking some juice and he laughed and it went down his throat and then he coughed and it came back out of his mouth AND his nose! It made his nose sore. It's funny that it came out of his nose, but it's not funny it made his nose sore.

.......Faith started to walk at 9 months! This was amazing, but unfortunately it made her leg funny. She had to wear a brace on her leg for a while to fix it. Part of it had butterflies on it. :) She was really good with it. She even learned how to take it off!

.......I taught myself how to read when I was 3 years old. It's amazing, isn't it? I wonder myself how I did it! I guess that's why I can read so well.

.......Daddy recently put up the putty in the new room. Now both Mom and Dad are working on sanding it. They wear special masks while they're doing it to help stop from breathing the stuff in. Last night it was so hazy in there, you eyes felt funny just 2 centimeters in!

.......Last night the boys slept in my room. It was fun! We stayed up playing games until 11:00. Then we slept for half an hour and then we woke up again. We stayed up for a while then we fell asleep again until about 5:30. Then we fell asleep at about 7:30 and then me and Faith woke up at 8:45. The boys didn't wake up til later. It was a fun night!

Well, that's all I can think of for now. I hope you enjoyed reading! :)


GramCrackers said...

One more fun post to read! You need to update your profile....your siblings have had birthdays since you wrote it! one on the way! I love you, sweet girl! Thanks for writing these!

Teya said...

Your welcome, Gram! I love you too!