Saturday, February 5, 2011


Yesterday it snowed! It was really fun playing in it. The night before we had slept in the boys room and Maverick woke me up. I asked what was up and he said it was snowing! He pulled back the curtain on the window and I saw the snowflakes falling down. Then we went out and looked out the kitchen window. It was snowing really hard, and there was already a bunch of snow on the ground. We ate breakfast and kept an eye on the snow (we left the blinds open) and afterwards we started getting ready to go to Gram & Pappy's house to play in the snow. Grandmommy and Grandpappy were there, because they are going to be here for almost the full month of February! I got 3 shirts on, tights, jeans, long socks, my coat, and my gloves and hat. It took a little while to get ready to go, because we had to find a hat and gloves for everybody and the hot water for Mom's shower ran out so she had to wait for a little to get in the shower. When we went to get in the car Maverick brought the yardstick so we could measure the snow. It was 5 inches deep! Before we could leave, Dad had to brush the snow off the van. He did the car, too. When we got to Gram & Pappy's house, we took off our coats, gloves, and hats. Grandpappy gave us some yummy candy and then we talked for a little bit. After that we put our stuff back on and went outside. Dad got his boogie board out of the garage to use as a sled. He pulled us around on the snow. It was really fun! We threw snowballs at each other too. I got Maverick good. After that we went to the front. We couldn't go through the gate because it was frozen shut, so Dad lifted us over. Then Dad pulled us more on the sled. It was super fun! Then we went back to the house because Kannon and Faith were getting cold. Mom came out and then me, Mom, Dad, and Maverick went on a walk. Me and Maverick took turns pulling the sled. Maverick ran ahead when I was pulling it. The road was still covered with ice, so we had to be careful. Mom slipped twice, once on the snow, and once on the ice. It was funny! We passed a church and some people were in the field next to it. They had a four-wheeler and someone would drive the four-wheeler and they would pull someone else on a sled. It looked fun. Then we came to the school and we played on the playground out front. It had cool ladders on it and cool monkey bars. Then we went around to the back and played on the playground back there. They had taken out the one back there and put in a new one. It was really cool! They had cool ladders, like a regular one that twisted, and one that was a zig zag. It had a cool swing, too. It was like a roller coaster seat, and if you didn't know, babies would sit in it normally. But this one was a lot bigger, and it even held me! It was really comfortable. It had a harness like on a roller coaster. Dad pushed me in it. It was really fun! Then we threw snowballs at each other. On the way we threw a bunch of snowballs at each other. When we got back we were soaked! Gram made some delicious hot chocolate and we had cheese and crackers for lunch. We stayed inside for a little, then we took Kadyn out. She loved eating the snow, but her hands got cold because she didn't have gloves on. Mom found some gloves and put them on her, so she was warm again. Dad pulled me and Kadyn on the sled. She liked it. Then he pulled the others while I stayed with Kadyn. She was eating a lot of snow. After that we went back inside and warmed up. We had dinner later. Then we went home. It was a great snow day! :)