Sunday, February 6, 2011

Funny Things, Weird Things, Etc. Vol. 7

I have more funny things, weird things, etc! Here they are.....

....On Friday I was coming out of Mom and Dad's room because I had to ask a question and I slammed my toe into the doorframe really hard. It hurt really bad and it didn't stop hurting until half and hour later. I think I broke it, but it didn't hurt as bad as I expected. It hurt bad, but not excruciating pain.

....Maverick lost two teeth in two days. The first day, he was walking out of his bedroom and pulled on it a little tiny bit, and it came out. The next day he got punched in the mouth twice and kicked in the mouth once(both on accident) and he pulled on it a little bit and it came out. That's never happened to me!

....Once I was eating lunch and I felt on of my teeth and it was loose. I noticed it was pretty loose and I wondered how I didn't notice it before. That same day I was eating a Tootsie Roll and my tooth came out in it! I bled a lot. That is a fast losing of a tooth!

....At my first spring recital I was getting ready to go on stage when I realized I forgot my costume! Dad went home really fast to get my costume and we tried to make a makeshift costume. Luckily, Dad got the costumes here before we had to go on stage. It was kind of scary!

Well, that's all I have for now. See you later with more! :)