Monday, October 19, 2009

Funny Things, Weird Things, Etc. Vol. 5

I have more funny, things, weird things, etc.! Here we go!

......On Saturday Daddy put the siding on the house. Me and Maverick helped him use the table saw and I helped hold the boards up while he nailed them into place. My arms hurt a lot after I was done! Once while he was nailing a nail he hit his thumb very hard with the hammer. It looked really bad, one one side of the fingernail there was blood and the other side had a really bad swelling. Ouch!

......Once when I was about six there was a big thunderstorm in the middle of the night. I was asleep until this HUGE thunder came, and it was so big it set off a car alarm! It also woke me up. I think I was awake for the rest of the thunderstorm. That thunder was the biggest thunder I've ever heard in my life!

......We used to have a cat named Stormy. She really was pretty stormy! She was a stormy grey, hence the name, and she would scratch us up a lot! We had to give her back to the center, but we got Snuggles instead.

That's all for now. more will come soon! :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Fire House Open House Thingy

Last Saturday we went to a fire house open house thingy. It was tons of fun! In the morning I woke up and Pappy was there! And what's more, he brought donuts! They were good. After breakfast we went over to Gram and Pappy's house. After we played for a few minutes, it was time to go! We didn't know were we were going, and I wanted to see when we got there. It was really cold out. I should have brought my camera and my sweater! First we climbed on a ladder truck. The ladder was up all the way, and it was super duper tall! I kept saying, "Don't make me climb up there!" We did climb on the back of the truck, though. It was a lot higher than it looked! I kept pressing myself against the railings that were behind me. After that we climbed in it. I didn't climb in the front, though. But that's alright! One of the firefighters that were there said, "We have to close the doors." We didn't know why. Then we went closer to a big group of people. Then another firefighter said, "They're coming in, you need to stand back." We wondered what he meant, but then we figured out that a helicopter was going to land! When it came in, we yelled, "There it is!" Then it circled around. When it landed, it was like a tornado! We had to hold onto the fire hats we got, or they would have blown off! After that we saw a demonstration of what firefighters do if there was a wreak and someone was trapped inside. It was cool.Then we did something were there was this minuture house, and behind it there was a cart with some liquid on fire. We used a real fire hose to put it out! Even Faith did it! After that we got some lunch. It was hot dogs and soda. They were good. After that we saw the helicopter take off. It was like a tornado again! Then we got our stuff. While we were waiting in line, we saw a search dog. It was a golden retriever. It looked like a really nice dog! We got a lot of really cool stuff. After that, we saw a demonstration of a fire hose being used. The person said that it could spay out 1,000 gallons a minute! Then we went in a house were a firefighter told us stuff. And he picked ME to demonstrate what you do if the smoke alarms go off. Some pretend smoke came in and I went down on the ground. Faith just stayed where she was. :) Then I felt a door, and it was actually hot! There wasn't any fire behind it, though. After that we got a picture with a clown and then we went home. It was really fun! :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Funny Things, Weird Things, Etc. Vol. 4

I have some more funny things, weird things, etc. for you! Here we go!

......It has been raining off and on all week. The sun has only come out once or twice, like last night it came out just a tiny bit. I was awake at 3:00 in the morning last night, and it started thunderstorming. It wasn't really bad, just the weird thing was that first the thunder was close, and then it was far away, then it was medium. Even if it did storm some more, I didn't hear it cause I fell asleep.

......Last night Daddy said that we had to take out a little wall. Then he swag the hammer in his hand and swung it at the wall. After he had gotten a section of the wall off, he said, "Look! Snake eggs!" Later Maverick held it, and he showed Mom. Then Daddy said that they were still wet. Then he said, "We'll just make sure we lock Snuggles in the playroom tonight. She'll play with it and stuff." And I said, " What, before I get to hold it?!"

......When we were coming home from church one day, we saw this huge tree that had fallen over. The funny thing was, it had tiny roots for a tree so big. Weird!

......We went to a baseball game last month. It was a lot of fun! On the way we passed Six Flags. We saw people going on the Superman and a huge and scary rollercoaster! At the baseball game we got peanuts and cotton candy. They were both really good! The Rangers lost though. But after the game there were fireworks! They were really spectacular!

......Faith keeps telling me what to say. It's really quite funny! Like just now she was trying to get me to get her to games, and I said no and she said, "Say Sure!" It is really funny!

That's all I have for now. More will come soon, I promise! :)