Friday, April 24, 2009

My Fish

I have 3 fish right now. I used to have 6. My tiger barb died the day before yesterday. My cherry barb and my sucker fish died yesterday. The other fish have already started eating them.

Let's have a little history about my fish. I bought them with my birthday money. I was very excited when we went to get my first fish. We even bought a ship to put in the tank. We brought them home and started on what was supposed to be a story of happy, long-living fish. That didn't work out at all. Soon one fish died, and another, and another until all of them had died. So we got more. Most of them, died, too. But not all! We bought more fish. Then it comes to now. I used to have a tiger barb, a cherry barb, a catfish, a rainbow shark, and a rosy barb. Now I only have the shark, the catfish, and the rosy.

You would think that after a long time of fish dieing, I would be used to it. Nope. I feel like I'm the reason my fish are dieing. Mom keeps telling me that there was something in the water. I don't deny that, but I still don't feel good at all. Does anybody know any good fish keeping tips?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wine & Food Festival

On Sunday we went to a wine and food festival in Austin. It was a really long drive. Saturday night we had camp-out in the play room. We had to wake up really early so we could have enough time to get there before it started. We woke up at 6:30 in the morning. Dad had music playing on Itunes. We got ready to go and then Gram and Pappy picked us up. First we went to Hillsboro to drop Kannon and Faith of at Miss Melinei's granny's house. It is right by a farm! We dropped them off there because they coudn't come with us. Then we went the rest of the way there. And even that was interesting. We saw some weird stuff. I had brought my camera there, too, so I took lots of pictures. We stopped for breakfast at Ihop. I got the silver five with bacon and scrambled eggs. Maverick got the same with hash browns insted of eggs. Then we got back in the car. Gram gave us her Ipod Touch. We watched a video about blue whales and then we played Touch Pysicys. Then we played Blocked. Then we gave it to Gram. After awhile Maverick threw up. Poor guy. :( I didn't throw up though! :) Then we got there. I took some pictures. There were a lot of tents. They had food places and wine tasting places in them. One was a cooking deminstration. One was were you went to hear the music. They had live bands there! First we went potty in the port-a-pottys. Then we went to a tent. There was: wine, wine, and more wine! There was a little food, and it was pretty good. Gram said that the festival should have been called the Wine & Food And Wine Festival! After we went through the tents we went to a place were there were some small food booths. There was a place that had chicken stuff and a place that had tacos and another place. I tryed one of the tacos, but I didn't like it. To get to the food booths you had to go over a muddy field. There were boards that you could walk over so you wouldn't get muddy. Then we went to a place that we could run around in. Then we went potty again. Then we ran around a little more, and then we went to the cooking deminstration tent. On the chairs were some bags. They were checkerd with a green stripe near the top. The words in the green stripe said, "I used to be a plastic bottle." On some of them the checkers were two shades of green. On the others they were colored. We kept one of each. It took too long for the deminstratoin to start so we went out of the tent. We went with Pappy to the field again. He counted how long it took for us to run to the fence and back. I got 14 and 13 seconds. Maverick got 17,16,and 15 seconds. Then we went to the music. I took some pictures and even some video. Then we found the others. Then we went home. When we stopped at the farm I took some pictures. There was a dog there and a cat. We petted them both. There were also some cows behind the fence. I took pictures of them. I took pictures of the barn, the tractor, and a pothole. Then we went home. It felt great to be home! A good time was had by all!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter!

.....a bit late. I hope all of you had a wonderful Easter! On Friday we colored eggs. I made a Jesus egg and a sports egg and a puffy sticker egg and a flower egg. I even made one that looked like it was cracked! It really wasn't. On Saturday we went to the church picnic on the grounds. My friends Elizabeth, Margaret, and Mia were there. Mom and Dad couldn't be there because they both had to work. There was a bounce house and 3 Easter egg hunts. First was the one Maverick was in, then the one Faith and Kannon was in, and last was the one I was in. We all got LOTS of candy! On Easter we went to the church service. I stayed for the last one because I was going to help Gram set up the hospitality suite. Well, more clean up. There was still some donuts and stuff left over. I ate some. :) Then we went to our house to pick up Daddy. Then we went to Gram and Pappy's house. When we got there we ate lunch. For lunch we had ham and cheese sandwiches. Then we went to Pappy's office while Mom and Gram and Dad hid the eggs. Then after they hid the eggs we did our baskets. We got lots of cool stuff! Then we did the egg hunt. I found a lot of eggs! Then we went home and had dinner. We had pizza for dinner. I am a weird kid: I don't like pizza! I am so thankful that Jesus died on the cross for us and rose 3 days later!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Maverick's Post!!!!

Maverick wanted to put a post on my blog, but he can't type so I had to type for him. It is about when we played Super Heroes. I will say though, he may get distracted sometimes!

"Super Heroes is when we pretend we are super heroes. Today in this game of Super Heroes we had to catch a fox because the fox was eating people. That fox was fast! It took almost an hour to catch it! The fox ran all over the place. First we had to go into a tunnel to catch it. The fox kept going into tunnels that were lower and lower! Then we went out of the tunnels into nowhere. And then we walked along and went into an elevator. The elevator took us to the 99th floor. Then we spotted the fox! We chased it everywhere! Then it disappeared and we had to use our radar to find it. We chased it to the playroom and found his assistant. We killed him. Then we went on another elevator. It was small and dark and only 2 people could fit in it, so Kannon had to wait. The elevator took us to a place with a toilet. There was a hippo guarding the next elevator. It was a good guy hippo so it let us past. The elevator took us to the 101th floor. Then we went into an elevator that took us to the 800th floor. Then we went into an elevator that was only for super heroes. It took us to the 900th floor. Then we chased the fox again and then we went to an elevator that you had to bounce on to make it work. Then we saw the fox again! We chased it to another elevator. Then when we went to the bottom of the elevator, we saw the fox! We killed it. We had lots of fun!"

Well, there you have it. Thank you, Maverick!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Random Thoughts

Here are some random thoughts..... fish tank lights are both out. This proves to be a source of great annoyance to me. writing in my notebook but can't think of anything to write about hungry right now. I am hungry most of the time.

.....really like playing outside, but my great fear of bees and wasps makes it nearly impossible in the summer or spring when it's sunny. Weird fear, I know!

.....really like blogging

.....maverick is annoying me by trying to get my attention on Moter Storm

....really want to read the next Harry Potter book. Daddy is being very slow reading it. :)

....don't like dance class

.....don't want to do recital. It's okay when I'm not on a stage, but if I am, (like on recital), I freak out!

.....don't like school

.....can't wait till Easter

.....can't wait till Friday

.....can't wait till Saturday

.....really like whales. Absolutely LOVE them!

.....been kinda tired lately. Don't want to be.

....Maverick and the rest of them have been very funny lately

Well, that's it . What are your random thoughts? : ) :) :)