Thursday, January 15, 2009

Funny Things, Weird Things, Etc. Vol. 2

I have thought up some more funny things, weird things, etc. now! I will tell you in a minute....

.....Once Mom and Dad went on a date and our friend Miss April watched us. She took us to the park. While we were there, I had been swinging and I got off of the swing. I wasn't thinking and I went out right in front of Maverick, who was still swinging. His foot hit my eye. At first I thought that my eye had come out! But I only had a black eye. It really hurt!

.....Once Faith yelled at Mom " Stupid!" Mom said, " If you call me stupid again Daddy will spank Mommy's butt!" It was really funny!

.....Once Mom and Dad went on a date and Mom's best friend, Miss Chris,was watching us. She had gone to tuck in the boys and I was pulling a blanket out of the couch. Apparently there was a needle in the blanket and it went right into my finger! It didn't hurt one bit, though. My finger felt funny and I looked at my hand and there was a needle in it! I ran to the boys' bedroom, and right before I went in the door, I thought, "Common' Teya, do something that will help!" So I pulled out the needle. It didn't hurt at all when I pulled it out. I was more scared than hurt!

.....Once me and Mav decided to live outside. I packed all the clothes I could into a little tiny bag. A few days passed, and we decided we wouldn't live outside, after all!

Well, that's it. There will probably be a Vol. 3 soon! With all the strange things that happen in our family, you could maybe write up to Vol. 8! Bye now!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Funny Things, Weird Things,Etc.

I am going to tell you about some funny things, weird things, etc. that have happand
in our family. Let's start......

..... Once we were playing in the playroom and I went out to do something. Suddenly I heard screaming cries. Apparently the cushion was off of the chair in the in the playroom, and there are spikes hat stick out from the chair and Kannon fell into them. We went to the doctor and he said that Kannon had a broken blood vessel. Wow! It looked really bad.

.....Once Maverick was standing in the laundry basket and he was supposed to do something and Mom pulled it out from under his feet (I don't know why) and he hit his head on the corner of the fireplace. He had to get stitches after that. The doctor wanted to put 2 in, but Mav was to wiggly.

....Once me and Mav were bouncing on the trampoline and he told me to swing my arm out at him while he was in the middle. I must have told him no 100 times! I finally did it to show him what would happen. He thought he had a loose tooth! He never asked me to again, so I am sure some sort of lesson was learnd!

I can't think of any more right now, but when I do, I'll be sure to write them! Bye!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Video Games

We have a lot of video games at our house. We even have one at Gram and Pappy's house! The one at Gram and Pappy's house is a Wii we got for Christmas. The games we have are Mario Kart, Endless Ocean Diving, Littelst Pet Shop, and a game were you play board games and things like that, and a action games game. My faverite one is the diving game. I could play it for 3 years without stopping! Maverick's faverite is Mario Kart. He is really good at it. He has won a lot of trophies in it! At our house we have a Lepster, a Vsmile Pocket, a PS3, a PS2, a DS, and a Gameboy. Maverick's faverite game is Moter Storm for the PS3. He plays it all the time. Right now he is telling me that he could play it for a whole month without stopping! With potty breaks, he tells me. And drink breaks and lunch breaks and dinner breaks and sleep breaks,etc. Of corse! Moter Storm is a game were you race off-road and you get all muddy and crash. I like to do Pictochat on the DS. It's my mom's. Well, we have to do school now, so bye!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!

Happy new year, everybody! Did you have fun counting down til new year and staying up til midnight? I hope so. I did, cause I was over at my grandparent's house, and we keep a Wii there. We have a diving game there and it's mine and I don't like it, I LOVE it!!!!!!!!! I played until midnight. It was so totally awsame! Best wishes to all and a happy new year!


For Christmas this year I got feet pajamas. That is good because I had really been wanting some. I also got a book that tells you things that you can collect and how to collect them and how to take care of them. In my stocking I got a really, really preaty Willow Tree orament. I aslo got a pakage of glow sticks. Everybody kid-wise got that in their stockings. I got a preaty Willow Tree statue for Christmas, too. Maverick got me a Littlest Pet Shop thing that you put together and it has holes in it that you put your pets in it so you don't lose them. Mom put it together for me. Kannon and Maverick got color shoters for Christmas. Maverick's is Incredible Hulk and Kannon's is Spiderman.You put a color tablet in the shooter and then you pull the end of it to get water inside while puting the end with the hole in it in the water. Then when you push the other end back toward the shooter, water of the color of the tablet that you put in shoots out the end with the hole in it. Faith got a giant Micky Mouse from Mom, and she just loves it. I also got more Nancy Drew books which is good too.I had been needing the next ones. I hope you all got what you wanted and had a wonderful time with your familiy!!!