Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tornado Stories

I've been thinking about when the tornado alarms went off lately, probably because it has been so stormy and cloudy. I'm gonna tell you about when the tornado alarms have gone off in my life, which is four times. On some stories I will have Maverick's story, too. Here we go.....

Story #1: The first time I remember the tornado alarms going off is when I was at dance class(at the old studio) when I was probably about 7 or 8. I was getting ready for dance class when someone said for us to go in the back, and somehow I learned that someone outside had heard them. So everybody was in the back of the studio and I was really scared. Mom said "It's all right! Look, this guy has the weather on his laptop." So we looked at the weather and I can't remember what was there. After a little while we went out and somehow I heard that a tornado did touch down a few blocks away, I think. Scary!

Story #2: The second time the tornado alarms went off that I remember was when it was close to my birthday and Maverick, Kannon, Faith, and Mom had gone to Target to birthday shop and me and Dad were at the house, and all the lights were off and we were watching the news. I remember seeing a house that was flooded almost all the way up to the porch, and a news reporter standing in some really high wind, and there might have been some lighting or something behind him. Then Dad heard something and he said that the tornado alarms were going off. He went to look out the windows and I went with him cause I was scared, and I really didn't want to. Then Dad grabbed a flashlight and his book, and I think some pillows, and I grabbed my book and all the stuff off my bed. We went in the closet for a little while and read our books until Dad said we could go out. A little while later I think the others got here, and we talked about what had happened.Maverick told me his story, which you can see below. It was pretty scary, but not as scary as last time.
Maverick's story: He was at Target and he found something I might like for my birthday, so he put it in the cart and they moved on. Then a person on the speaker said something, and Mom said they needed to go to the back of the store. Maverick asked why, and Mom said that the tornado alarms were going off. When they got back there Faith said she had to go to the bathroom. So they went to the bathroom that was at the back of the store and then they went back. After a while the people at the speakers said that they could finish shopping now, so they did that and then came. home. It must have been scary.

Story #3: The next time they went off was really weird. Mom woke me up and said the tornado alarms were going off, so I grabbed all my stuff and went to the closet. The funny thing was, only me, Kannon, Mom, and Dad were awake. Kannon was still tired, but I was wide awake and scared. Nobody came back there with us, so I went out to see what was going on. Dad was sitting at the computer looking at the radar, and I can't remember what Mom was doing. After a little bit we went back to bed. It was really weird.

Story #4: The last time the tornado alarms went off was probably the scariest one out of them all. Miss April was watching us and I was roller skating in the garage when I heard this weird sound. I went in to ask what it was and Miss April said "I don't know, what sound?" So I went back into the garage, but I was scared and didn't really want to be in there. We had made some muffins and they were cooking in the oven and when Miss April said they were done I took off my roller skates really fast because I didn't want to be in there and hear the sound. We started eating our muffins and Miss April went out front. Apparently she heard the sound and called her mom to find out what it was, and it was the tornado alarms. She came in and told us, "Eat your muffins, guys." I was still scared, and I said, "But Miss April, what was that noise?" She said, "It was nothing. Eat your muffin." Then I asked, "Miss April, can we go in the closet?" And then we looked out the window next to the table and the wind blew the trees so hard they were parallel to the ground. Miss April said, "Yeah, we can go in the closet." So I went and got my stuff and then got in the bathroom to go in the closet, and as soon as I stepped in the bathroom, the power went out. The little ones were in the closet and Miss April and I went to look for flashlights. We finally found some and Miss April told me to get some books to read to the little ones so they wouldn't be scared. I really didn't want to but I did anyway. When I was back there I looked out the window and it was SUPER DUPER black. It was the blackest black out of all the blackest blacks. I got my book too and went back in the closet. Miss April read the books to the little ones and I read my book. We spent probably two hours in there. A few times me or Maverick had to go to the bathroom, and it was kind of scary going out. Kannon fell asleep on his pillow, and I think Faith fell asleep too. After a while we came out. I expected it to be really late when we came out, but it was just 8:00. We went in the closet at 6:00. We came out and ate our muffins while Miss April lit some candles. After we were done Miss April asked if we wanted to sleep in our rooms or in the living room, and everyone said living room. Maverick wanted to play the Playstation but the power was still out so he played either the Vsmile or the Leapster. I didn't think I would fall asleep, but I did. When I woke up the power was back on and Mom and Dad were sitting at the table with Miss April and Maverick. I layed there for a minute then got up and went to the kitchen. Mom and Dad were telling about what had happened at work when the tornado alarms went off. Mom said that the person on the speaker said to go to the back of the store and everyone went to the front to look out the window. She said that the sky was the blackest black she had ever seen. I can't remember what Dad said. It was very scary and I was more scared then I had been in a very long time. Maverick was scared too, but he did a good job not panicking. See his story below.
Maverick's story: It starts out the same way as mine except he was watching Phineas and Ferb. When he got into the closet the power went out. He and the little ones stayed in the closet while me and Miss April looked for flashlights. The little ones were scared so he went under the blankets with them until we came back. He listened to the books Miss April read and went to the bathroom a few times. When he came out he wanted to play something, but as you know the power was still out, so he played a handheld game. He didn't fall asleep at all. He did a good job of being brave and helping the little ones not be so scared. He just didn't seem as scared as I was, but you could still tell he was scared. It's like nothing scares him.

Well, that's it for now. There will probably be more stories in a little while. I hope you enjoyed these frightening stories!


GramCrackers said...

Good stories, Teya! The wind really does get strong sometimes, and I don't like that much. I'm looking forward to more stories from you!

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Teya said...

Why do I keep getting weird comments in Chinese?

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慧SigridNolen1201珊 said...
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Teya said...

Stop posting weird comments in chinese!!