Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Funny Things, Werid Things, Etc. Vol. 3

I have more funny things, weird things, etc. for you! Here we go....

.......Maverick hit his knee on the fireplace recently. Pappy was watching us, and we couldn't find Faith. Maverick and Pappy went to the playroom, and on the way Maverick hit his knee. He felt a little pain, then he looked down and saw blood running down his leg! Pappy put a band-aid on it, and when Mom came home later she took off the band-aid and she looked and she said he needed stitches! Daddy came and then me,Maverick,(obviously)Mom and Dad got in the car(I think Pappy was watching the rest) and went to this cool place sort of like a mini-hospital, but better. We went into a room and then we waited and then they numbed it and then they put the stitches in. I watched them do it, but Mom didn't.:) Now he has his stitches out, but the cut is still there.

.......Daddy showed me and Maverick how to fill up the windshield wiper fluid. It was really cool, and my favorite part was slamming the hood down.:)

.......Once I fell into the pool onto the step. I was fine, though, because I put out my hands and that helped a lot. My hands just got a little scraped. It was scary!

........Once Maverick slipped into the pool and cut his hand and his knee pretty badly. There was this big cut on his hand and a smaller one on his knee. His hand had to have a big band-aid on it. The cut was there for at least 5 days. His knee healed faster.

........Maverick lost his first tooth in pizza! He was chewing and then he felt something hard in his mouth. He didn't realize it was his tooth and spat it out. Then when he was brushing his teeth, he saw that his tooth was missing! We found it a little bit in red sauce. His second tooth he lost in his pillow. He fell down hard and his tooth brushed against the pillow and came out!

That's all I can think of for now. More will come soon! :)


GramCrackers said...

I like reading your "funny things, weird things, etc" reports. A lot of crazy things happen in your family!

GramCrackers said...

Teya! Your new blog background is beautiful! I love it!