Monday, March 26, 2012

Another Injury

Yesterday we had another injury. Kannon hit his teeth on the metal ring on the outside of the trampoline. Dad had moved the trampolines right next to each other on Saturday so he could mow, and we were playing tag and bouncing from trampoline to trampoline to evade each other. Maverick was it, and he pushed Kannon from behind to try to tag him at the same time Kannon was jumping to the other trampoline. He hit his teeth and started screaming and ran inside, holding his shirt to his mouth. Maverick and I followed, trying to calm him down. Kannon ran into the kitchen. I grabbed a paper towel and pushed it into his hands, then ran to get Mom. She was just about to give Kadyn a bath and hadn't heard Kannon's screams over the running water. I told her what happened, and she immediately went to go look at him while I took care of Kadyn. Mom came back with Kannon moments later, Maverick and Faith close behind them. Mom managed to calm Kannon down enough for him to let her look at his teeth, and what she saw wasn't good. He had jammed his teeth up into his gums. Mom called Dad and sat Kannon down on the couch. She then called Gram and Pappy, who were there in minutes. Gram and Mom took Kannon to the Flower Mound place while Pappy stayed and watched us. About 45 minutes later, Pappy got a text from Dad saying that they still hadn't gotten in to have Kannon's teeth checked, it was too busy. Dad needed us to pack a tote bag with some books and toys to keep Kannon occupied while he was waiting to be seen. We packed a bag with books, his notebook, his froggy, and some cars for him to play with. Dad went back up to the hospital to give Kannon the bag. We went to bed soon after. Kannon didn't end up getting home until after midnight.
Today, Mom and Dad looked for a dentist they could take Kannon to. They found one that looked good, and Dad went up with Kannon for his appointment. They came home with good news. Kannon had pushed his baby teeth up into his gums, with no damage to his permanent teeth. He didn't have to have surgery. His baby teeth would come out on their own. He just has to eat soft things for a while to keep his teeth from hurting.
So, (thank goodness) this injury wasn't as bad as it could be!

Friday, March 23, 2012


I was thinking about writing something and I decided to write a random thought post, because I have a lot of random thoughts circling around in my head. Here a just a few of them.

... I really wanted to go to Six Flags on the homeschool day they are having, but it turns out I will have a dance thing that day. It's the day before my birthday, too, and going to Six Flags would be an awesome way to celebrate. *Sigh*

... It feels like the year has just barely started and Easter is in a few weeks. Where did the time go?

... Here's some pictures of the beautiful sunset I saw last night.

... I'm hoping for some good storms soon. I always love all the thunder and lightning and wind and hail and the way the clouds look so cool. I hope to get some great cloud pictures by the time this storm season is over!

... I've been keeping my room clean for about a week and a half now. Not just the floor, but also the closet and my bed and the dressers. It's really nice! It makes me actually want to hang out in my room now.

... I need some money. I work at Gram's house for money, which is nice because it pays well and I can do it pretty much whenever I want. But some extra money is never a bad thing! Good thing my birthday is just around the corner.

That's all for the random thoughts. Hope you enjoyed! :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Rainy Days

Well, it has been 3 days and it's still raining. It stopped yesterday, but then it started again. Don't get me wrong, I love rain. It provides some interesting meteorological opportunities. You can make a rain gauge and find out exactly how much rain has fallen, or you can be lazy and just find out on the internet. I do like having The Weather Channel, though, because I can write in my weather journal what it's like outside without too much difficulty. Like right now, it's:

55 degrees
Winds from SSE at 19 mph
Humidity: 78%

And all that jazz. I quite like doing meteorological stuff, because I want to be a meteorologist when I grow up. So, I'm getting some good practice now.
That's all for right now. Hope you enjoyed my random post!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Some Pictures of Clouds

Hi! I was looking through my pictures the other day and saw some cloud pictures I thought I would share with you.
So, here they are.

This picture I took on 9/18/11. Storms were erupting late in the day and this one happened to look like Pink Panther's head.

This is a picture of some mammatus clouds I saw on 5/23/11.

This is what I believe to be a leading edge of either a front or just a thunderstorm on 5/23/11.

These are some awesome wavy clouds I saw on 5/23/11.

Some really cool pictures of a thunderstorm on 5/24/11.

Thunderstorm with dark clouds behind it on 5/24/11.

I guess these aren't technically pictures of clouds (unless you count the ones in the background) but it sure is a pretty rainbow.

Well, that's all for now. There's supposed to be some severe weather later today, so maybe there will be more pictures tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed these pictures!