Sunday, November 6, 2011

Finally, It's November!

Yes! I'm so glad November is finally here! There are so many good things about November. We get this beautiful cooler weather, which helps to make up for that dreadful summer we had. Then there's DR, the dance convention that I go to every year, and it's awesome! We dance all day, and we're very tired after it's all over, but it's a blast. Another good thing about November is that both Mom and Dad's birthdays come along. I always like picking out a small gift for both of them. There's also the fact that my cousins are coming down for Thanksgiving! It'll be so much fun playing with them. The last, and one of the most important things, is Thanksgiving! I love all the good food we get to eat. My favorite Thanksgiving food is probably the rolls. Delicious! I can't wait for all the fun things in November! :)