Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Six Flags Again!

Yesterday we went to Six Flags again. It was lots of fun!Dad's friend Miss Dana watched Kadyn while we were gone. On the way there we looked at our new dinosaur books and played a game with dinosaurs in it. When we got there the line was really long because it just opened when we got there. When we got into the park the first thing we rode was the carousel. It was fun. Then we went on the El Sombrero. It's this thing that looks like a hat and it has seats on the outside and it spins you up and down tilting. Then we went on the big teacups with Dad. He made us spin so fast, it was like we were glued to the wall! Next we went on the Conqusidator, the pirate ship that swings you pretty high. It was a little scary. Next we went on the La Vibora, a roller coaster that doesn't have a 'track'. It was awesome!! It is my new favorite! Next we went on the El Asserado, a 'log' ride where you get in the log car and go around a track and then you go down a small hill and get splashed. It was fun! Then we went to get some drinks because it was hot and we were thirsty. Next Dad made me go on the.....drum roll......Titan! It took forever to go through the line. The first hill was really scary, but after the sideways turn it was alright. Next we went on the Oil Derrick, a really tall thing that had a cool elevator. It was really tall, taller than the Superman! You could see everything from up there! Next we went on the Roaring Rapids. You sit in this round thing and you go through a track. When we went on it, me, Maverick, Mom, and Kannon all got soaked. Kannon got soaked the most! Next we went on the Mine Trains, the big one first and the little one second. They were fun! Next we went on the Gunslinger, the bigger swings. Next Dad made me go on the.........drum roll........Mr. Freeze! That's even worse than the Titan. The line took forever and I felt a little sick. Dad said it was because of nerves. When we finally got in I was scared a lot. It accelerated really fast, and the ride was over really fast. It was okay. Next the boys went on Tony Hawk's Big Spin and me and Faith went on the Cloud Bouncer. When we went on it we were all by ourselfs. Then we went over to the Big Spin and saw the boys and Dad going on it. Then Maverick was going to go on an upside down one but he was too short, so instead we went on the Aquaman Splashdown. You went up a hill and then you went down one and made a big splash and got drenched. We went on the bridge and got soaked again by the next one that went. Then we walked a little bit and then we went on the Conqistador again. When it stopped the girl who ran it asked if we wanted to go again, and of course we said yes! It was great both times. After that we had to go because it was closing. When we got to the car Dad gave us some water. It tasted delicious! When we got home Miss Dana was watching TV and when she left I turned to Blue Planet. We ate dinner in front of the front door and watched it. Then after dinner we turned to Zack and Cody and had Nutty Bars for dessert. It was lots of fun at Six Flags! :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010


For my birthday this year I got the best gift ever........(drum roll)......A SIX FLAGS SEASON PASS! We went on Mother's Day and we had a blast. We parked right in front of the Titan(a REALLY big roller coaster)and we saw some people go on it. We brought Miss Gayle with us but she had to wait outside while we picked up our season passes. They looked like credit cards, but they had our pictures and our names on them. Cool, huh? Then the rest of us waited while Dad went to get Miss Gayle. It took a while because the stroller line was really long. When they got back we got started. The first ride we went on is the merry-go-round because it is right in front of you when you walk into the park. I went on an up-and-down horse. It was really fun! Next we went on some little trucks that went around a little track and at the end there was a mini-waterfall. Next we went on a bus that spun around and around up high. I went on that with Kannon(because on some of the rides I have to fudge by going with Kannon or Faith)Next we went to another part that was close by. We went on the teacups there. When we were spinning Kannon hit his head on the rim of the teacup and we had to stop it. After that we went on a mini-roller coaster that was really fun. Then we went on a hot air balloon Ferris wheel. That was fun too. Then we went on a kind of mini Superman that was fun, too. Then we had a potty break. Then we went on some airplanes that spun you in a circle and you could press a button to make it go up or down. Next we went on the Cloud Bouncer, hot air balloons that you could spin and they went high up. Then we went on Tony Hawk's Big Spin. The line was really long! Once we finally got there we got in the car and it started up. It was a blast, and it spun more than anybody else's because Dad went with us and he unbalanced it a little and that made it spin more. It was over really fast, and when we stopped we were still spinning! Maverick loved it and he wanted to go again! Next we were all hungry, so we went to eat at Johnny Rockets. Then we had a potty break and then we went on Crazy Legs. It had these cars and they were attached to the web things and it spun you around and lifted you up. It was really fun! Next we went on the parachutes. They were these little seats with a fake parachute attached to them and they lifted you up so you could see all over the park and then they dropped you down. Next we went on the Judge Roy Scream, my favorite ride overall. It 's not as scary as the other real roller coasters and it's really fun. Maverick rode on it by himself! Well, we were on the same train thing, but there was no one riding next to him. Next we did the Batwing, a ride kind of like the airplanes were you could go up and down at your will. Next me, Mom, and Dad went on the Batman(me against my will). There was no line until we got to were we got onto the 'cars'(it was a hanging coaster). I was scared, but I wasn't panicking. I closed my eyes the whole time! Next we went on the Gunslinger, this big thing that swings you around and up. It was lots of fun! Next we went on the mine trains. The first one was for little kids, and I went with Faith on it. It was a lot of fun. The other one was the real one and it was a lot of fun, too. Then I went on the Batman again with Miss Gayle and Dad. It wasn't as scary this time, for some reason. I guess because I knew what would happen, sort of. Afterwards I felt a little sick. Then we went on the mini mine train again. It was fun. Then Mom and Miss Gayle took me on the Superman(I did not say I wanted to!)If I would have panicked, it would have been then, but I didn't. Once we got in, I was really, really scared! The first time it dropped, I tried to scream but somehow I couldn't! The second time I lost my voice half-way though. When we were getting off, I couldn't undo the latch and I was scared it would take off again. Thankfully, Mom got it for me. It was raining when we were going and I didn't feel it at all! Next we went to the Conqusitator, a rocking pirate ship that went back and forth pretty high, but not that high. It was fun. Then it was time to leave. It was raining a little hard when we were leaving, and our car was pretty far away. Luckily we didn't get too wet! On the way home I didn't feel very good. When we stopped at the gas station for drinks I stepped out to get some fresh air. It felt very good! I had to go to the bathroom and when I got back Dad had a frappicino for me. I was to thankful to say! When we stopped at Sonic to get some dinner, I didn't get anything and Faith was asleep. When we got home I went to my room and after a while I got my jammies on. My bed never felt better........except on other long and action-packed days. Much fun was had! Can't wait for the next visit! (By the way, it's a good thing Dad didn't get me on Mr. Freeze!) :)